Tyre & Environment
Van den Ban Autobanden B.V. complies with the legal obligation from the Car Tyre Management Decree and pays for the collection and recycling of used car tyres. Tyre & environment are an important combination!
Van den Ban Autobanden B.V. is a member of the RecyBEM system
In the Netherlands, when purchasing new car tyres from abroad, it is compulsory to contribute to the cost of collecting and recycling old tyres. Producers and importers of car tyres have to pay waste management levy to the Band en Milieu (BEM) organisation. In 2004, the BEM organisation set up RecyBEM to implement the collection and recycling obligation in the Car Tyre Management Decree (Bba).
On behalf of the tyre suppliers who are united in the Vereniging Band en Milieu, RecyBEM organises the collection and recycling of used car tyres from the replacement market in the Netherlands. For every new tyre that is brought onto the Dutch market, we collect an old tyre in order to close the chain. We process the used tyres in an environmentally responsible way. This prevents old tyres from lying around in the environment, reduces the amount of primary raw materials that need to be extracted from nature and avoids CO2 emissions. The Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment has declared the RecyBEM system generally binding (AVV). The AVV ensures that all producers and importers are obliged to contribute to the costs of collecting and recycling car tyres.

RecyBEM System
Van den Ban Autobanden B.V. is one of the members of the Association for Tyres and the Environment. For each tyre that they bring onto the Dutch market, they pay the waste management contribution to the BEM organisation. As a member of the RecyBEM system, Van den Ban Autobanden B.V. complies with the obligations of the Car Tyre Management Decree and pays for the collection and recycling of used car tyres.
Watch a short video about RecyBEM below:
More information? Read all about the obligations from the Car Tyre Management Decree, about the Dutch collection and processing system RecyBEM and about the legal obligation of this system with the AVV at www.RecyBEM.nl or contact us.